Friday, 8 April 2011


As I scroll through the many intelligent people I follow. (Flattery.) I feel as though I should post so much more, not just in amounts of post, but in detail.

I'm not quite so used to doing it, as my previous blog (on Tumblr..) ....Well, I will simply say people don't read posts on there longer than 2-lines. Whereas on here, people are far more.. mature. I love it.
People post detailed stories, to long well thought out arguments or reviews and a whole lot more. (Obviously.)

As of next week I'm going to be on holiday for about a week, but I will have a 3G network connection. So, in my best intention I will post daily, with pictures, what I've been up to :)

Till then, I will post more thoughts and musings, and I hope to post up some of the novel I'm re-drafting.


  1. keep the posts coming bro :)

  2. This is awesome! Love it! keep up the great work!

  3. ok so waiting for yours holiday posts !

  4. can't wait for your posts :) +followed

  5. Have a good holiday, can't wait to hear about it. Following and supporting!

  6. You raised the bar now!:P

  7. I'll be looking forward to this for sure. Can't wait. Hope you have fun!

  8. Have a great holiday! I love taking long holidays away.
